Please read through here prior to contacting us;
Is it possible to use your ranges without joining the club ?
No, we are a membership club only.
Can I just turn up and shoot ?
Absolutely not. All persons wishing to join a shooting club are required to successfully complete a mandatory probationary period. This a minimum of three months and this may be extended where deemed necessary.
Note: In accordance with Home Office guidance, shooting is not permitted on the first visit.
Who can join ?
We are CASC (community amateur sports club) registered. Provided you can sign a “Section 21″* declaration saying that you are not barred from having access to firearms (Home Office Rules), our club is open to anyone regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs in accordance with all current equality legislation.
Our club is particularly welcoming to young persons under 18 provided they are accompanied by their appropriate adult at all times. Young persons, under 16, pay no membership fee provided they are accompanied by a fee paying member or probationary member. At the sole discretion of the Club Committee young persons, 16 or over, in full-time education may have their annual membership fee reduced.
*SECTION 21 Firearms Act 1968 (As Amended): It is an offence for someone who is prohibited by Section 21 of the Firearms Act 1968 to have a firearm or ammunition in his or her possession at any time. Section 21 applies to anybody who has been sentenced to imprisonment or to youth custody or detention in a young offenders’ institution for three months or more. The period for which they are prohibited depends on the length of their sentence, if the sentence was longer than three years the prohibition is for life. If the sentence was three months or more but less than three years, the prohibition lasts for five years from the date of their release. It is an offence for a person to transfer, let or hire, give or lend a firearm or ammunition to someone whom he/she knows has reasonable grounds for believing to be prohibited by Section 21.
I have no experience, what can I do ?
No firearms certificate or experience is needed to learn to shoot with a Home Office approved club. We have a fully qualified NRA training officer and we train probationers to the NRA approved syllabus. We will ensure that everyone, including complete novices, will be trained in the safe use of a wide range of firearms in a pleasant and friendly environment. We are especially welcoming to youngsters as long as you have an appropriate legal guardian to accompany you to shoots.
What is Probation ?
Under Home Office guidelines, probationary membership is for a minimum period of three months during which time you must undergo instruction in the safe handling of firearms and also shoot regularly under supervision.
All live firing is conducted under one-to-one supervision by an appointed mentor and managed by our NRA qualified instructor. You will be trained to use open sight (‘iron sights”) rifles, scoped rifles, gallery rifles (both semi-automatic rimfire and pistol calibre carbine). You will also receive a copy of the NRA Probationary Training Manual.
Probationary modules usually take place on evenings and are a complete introduction to full-bore and gallery rifle. Topics included are firearms and the law, range safety procedures, shooting techniques, elevation and sight-setting procedures.
Successful completion of probation will be decided by the Club Committee, what you need to do is commit to training and shooting regularly with us.
Full membership and Junior Full Membership of North Staffordshire Shooting Club is awarded to probationary members when they have been approved by the Club Committee and you may then apply for a personal Firearms Certificate from your Police region.
How do I join the club ?
To discuss membership, please use the contact page and send us a message, the Club Secretary will get back to you.
Being a responsible club, we make every effort to ensure that our prospective members are of good character and fit and proper people to hold a Firearm Certificate. Our application procedure will necessarily involve some questions to help us verify that. (all in accordance with current Firearms Legislation). Prospective members are normally required to have a Full Member as a sponsor who will vouch for their suitability and good character.
If you do not have a sponsor you can still be considered for membership but you will be asked to provide suitable personal references that will be taken up prior to you being offered probationary membership. A club sponsor will be identified to mentor you during training.
Am I insured while shooting at the club?
The club carries all necessary insurance required for the operation of an approved shooting club. Loss or damage to personal equipment is not covered by the Club insurance policy.
Can I shoot on my first visit ?
You are not permitted to shoot on the first visit. Your first visit will be to show you around, complete the application and induction and to meet various members of the club.
What disciplines do you shoot ?
We are a target shooting club, we shoot various competition disciplines in the Midlands League including small-bore bench-rest, sporting rifle, full-bore carbine and air-pistol. We have open class club shoots for full bore rifle including the 500yd Fly Shoot.
What calibers can I shoot at the club ranges ?
We have facilities for air-rifle/pistol and .22LR at our indoor range; At Wetley, .22LR, Full-bore carbines and blackpowder up to .455″ and under 1,657fps muzzle velocity; At Thorpe we can shoot all full-bore calibers that can be held legally and that are not classified as HME.
Can I just shoot air rifle/pistol ?
Yes you can, however as you will have access to firearms and ammunition you must successfully complete the probation training in full using club .22LR firearms.
Do you allow shooting guests ?
Home Office regulations do not allow ‘ordinary’ guests to shoot full-bore firearms at HO Approved clubs other than on pre-arranged Guest Shoots. Overseas (qualified) visitors and FAC holding full members of other HO Approved shooting clubs may be able to shoot with our club but this requires special arrangements through the Club Secretary and approval by our Committee.
When is the indoor range open ?
The indoor range is open every Wednesday and Friday evening from 7:30pm.
Does the club have firearms I can use ?
Yes! We have a number of .22 rimfire rifles, scoped and iron-sights. We have a club .357 under-lever carbine for Wetley Rocks, two 7.62 NATO scoped rifles and a .303 Lee-Enfield to shoot at Thorpe
Are there any other costs ?
Apart from membership fees you will only have to buy ammunition from the Club (unless you hold a current FAC with appropriate approvals). Ammunition will be stored safely for you unless you hold an FAC for the calibre of that ammunition.
There are no range fees at the three club ranges.
There are no charges for the use of club guns.
There is a small range fee for use of SSBRA Baldwin’s Gate
What guns can I shoot at the club ?
Indoor range : .22 rimfire rifles & long barrelled pistols (.22LR), air rifle and air pistol

Outdoor range: .22 rimfire rifles (.22LR). Air rifle, air pistol and centre-fire pistol caliber carbines and black powder firearms up to .455 cal. and 1700fps

Full Bore Range : Full bore rifle calibre rifles come in many forms from state-of-the-art chassis rifles to historic military rifles